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The Croatian vocabulary is the backbone for learning. Below we picked 70% of the most commonly used words. Therefore memorizing them will give you a 70% boost in the language. This is the smarter way of online learning. Learn only what you need. We start with commonly used numbers.
One: jedan | Two: dva | Three: tri |
Four: četiri | Five: pet | Six: šest |
Seven: sedam | Eight: osam | Nine: devet |
Ten: deset | First: prvi | Second: drugi |
Days of the week and time expressions:
Monday: ponedjeljak | Tuesday: utorak | Wednesday: srijeda |
Thursday: četvrtak | Friday: petak | Saturday: subota |
Sunday: nedjelja | Now: sada | Yesterday: jučer |
Today: danas | Tonight: večeras | Tomorrow: sutra |
Most popular fruits and vegetables:
Fruits: voće | Apples: jabuke |
Bananas: banane | Tomatoes: rajčice |
Potatoes: krumpiri | Onions: luk |
Red: crvena | Green: zelena | Blue: plava |
White: bijela | Black: crna | Grey: siva |
Some words related to food:
Breakfast: doručak | Lunch: ručak |
Dinner: večera | Milk: mlijeko |
Coffee: kava | Bread: kruh |
Weather terms and sensations:
Sunny: sunčano | Windy: vjetrovito | Rainy: kišno |
Snowy: snježno | Cold: hladno | Hot: vruće |
Words related to family and relatives:
Boy: dječak | Girl: djevojčica |
Son: sin | Daughter: kći |
Brother: brat | Sister: sestra |
Man: čovjek | Woman: žena |
Father: otac | Mother: majka |
Grandfather: djed | Grandmother: baka |
Locations in the house which are talked about more during the day:
House: kuća | Toilet: toalet | Room: soba |
Bedroom: spavaća soba | Kitchen: kuhinja | Table: stol |
Animals and pets popular to everyone:
Cat: mačka | Dog: pas | Mouse: miš |
Bird: ptica | Cow: krava | Horse: konj |
The clothes most worn by most people:
Socks: čarape | Shoes: cipele | Trousers: hlače |
Shirt: majica | Sweater: džemper | Coat: kaput |
Most popular languages in the world:
Most popular terms when traveling:
Taxi: taksi | Bus: autobus |
Hotel: hotel | Reservation: rezervacija |
Airport: zračna luka | Passport: putovnica |
Words you can use in class or talking about school:
Student: učenik | Teacher: učitelj | Pen: kemijska olovka |
Books: knjige | Page: stranica | Dictionary: rječnik |
Body parts which are talked about more often:
Hand: ruka | Feet: noge | Hair: kosa |
Eye: oko | Mouth: usta | Nose: nos |
Emergency vocabulary to ask for help or offer help when needed:
Ambulance: hitna pomoć | Doctor: liječnik |
Hospital: bolnica | Pharmacy: ljekarna |
Police: policija | Stomach Ache: bol u trbuhu |
As you can see, this Croatian vocabulary is something you will need every day. You can use our Vocabulary Trainer to help you memorize these words.
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Did you know? People use only a small amount of their vocabulary on a daily basis. The rest of the words are either unused or not used often. |