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The Khaliji grammar allows you to manipulate the vocabulary to obtain multiple forms of a word. The grammatical rules below are the most important in Khaliji and help connect words or shape the structure. We start with the prepositions:
And: و [w] | Under: تحت [tahat ] |
Before: قبل [ghabel] | After: عقب [oghob] |
Inside: داخل [dakhil] | Outside: برع [baraa] |
With: مع [maa] | But: بس [bas] |
For: حق [hag] | From: من [mn] |
To: لي [le] | In: في [fe] |
To ask questions, use the following:
What?: شنو؟ [shno?] | Who?: منو؟ [mno?] |
How?: شلون؟ [shloon?] | Why?: ليش؟ [leesh?] |
Where?: وين؟ [ween?] |
Some of the most important time adverbs:
Never: مستحيل [mustaheel] | Rarely: نادرن [nadeeran] |
Sometimes: بعض الأحيان [badd al ahyaan] | Usually: عادتا [aadatn] |
Always: دايمن [daiman] | Very: وايد [wayeed] |
Most commonly used pronouns in Khaliji:
I: أنا [ana] | You: انت [ent] |
He: اهو [uhu] | She: اهي [ehe] |
We: احنا [ahna] | They: اهم [uhm] |
To express the possession of something [possessive form]:
My: مالي [mali] | Your: مالك [malk] |
His: ماله [malah] | Her: مالها [malha] |
Our: مالنا [malna] | Their: مالهم [malhum] |
Some random verbs to show how it's being used:
I speak English: انا اتكلم انقليزي [ana atkalm engleze] |
You speak French: انت اتكلم فرنسي [ana atkalm faranse] |
He speaks German: اهو يتكلم الماني [aho ytkalm almani] |
She speaks Italian: اهي اتكلم ايطالي [ahe ttklm etali] |
I visited France: رحت فرنسا [rht farasa] |
I will drink milk: باشرب حليب [bashrb haleeb] |
Some extra grammatical structures:
I understand you: افهمك [afhmk] |
I don't understand you: مافهمك [mafhmtk] |
I don't speak French: ماتكلم فرنسي [matklm frnse] |
This is my house: هاي بيتي [hay bete] |
That restaurant is far: هل مطعم بعيد [hal mataam bayd] |
No problem: عادي [adi] |
The above Khaliji grammar can provide tools to use in coordination with the Khaliji vocabulary to obtain some popular Khaliji phrases.
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Did you know? Grammar can help you increase your vocabulary dramatically. Grammar is like a tool which helps you manipulate words in a sentence by changing the shape and location of a word to create something new out of the old one. |