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Slovene Phrases

The Slovene phrases are helpful because they are used daily. Below we picked expressions that a new learner will find useful. We included the audio as well. This is a better way to learning. Learn only what you need. We start with greetings and introduction.

Hi: zdravo  Audio
What is your name?: kako vam je ime?  Audio
Nice to meet you: me veseli  Audio
How are you?: kako ste?  Audio
I'm good, thanks: dobro, hvala  Audio
And you?: in vi?  Audio

Language and Age Phrases

More questions about language and age:

Do you speak (English/Slovene)?: ali govorite (angleško/slovensko)?  Audio
Does she speak Chinese?: ali ona govori kitajsko?  Audio
A little bit: zelo slabo  Audio
How old are you?: koliko ste stari?  Audio
I'm 33 years old: jaz sem star triintrideset let  Audio
It was nice talking to you: veselilo me je  Audio

If you don't understand something, this will be your secret weapon:

What do you mean?: kaj hočeš povedati?  Audio
I don't understand: ne razumem  Audio
I don't know: ne vem  Audio
Sorry: oprosti  Audio
What is that called in Slovene?: kako se temu reče po slovensko?  Audio
What does that word mean in English?: kaj ta beseda pomeni v angleščini?  Audio

More personal information about origins and profession:

Where are you from?: od kod ste?  Audio
I'm from the U.S: sem iz združenih držav  Audio
I'm American: sem američan  Audio
Where do you live?: kje živite?  Audio
I live in the U.S: živim v združenih državah  Audio
What do you do for a living?: kakšen poklic opravljate?  Audio
I'm a student: študent sem  Audio

Offering or asking for help and giving directions:

Can I help you?: vam lahko vam pomagam?  Audio
Can you help me?: mi lahko pomagate?  Audio
Where is the airport?: kje je letališče?  Audio
Go straight: pojdite naravnost  Audio
Then: nato  Audio
Turn left: zavijte levo  Audio
Turn right: zavijte desno  Audio

Holiday Wishes Phrases

Good wishes in Slovene in holidays and occasions:

Happy birthday: vse najboljše za rojstni dan  Audio
Happy new year: srečno novo leto  Audio
Merry Christmas: vesel božič  Audio
Good luck: vso srečo  Audio
Congratulations: čestitam  Audio

Slovene expressions commonly used when traveling or buying:

I have a reservation: imam rezervacijo  Audio
Do you have rooms available?: imate kako prosto sobo?  Audio
I would like a non-smoking room: želel bi sobo za nekadilce  Audio
How much it costs per night?: kakšna je cena za eno noč?  Audio
Waiter: natakar  Audio
How much is this?: koliko stane to?  Audio
What is this?: kaj je to?  Audio

Survival phrases considered to be important in emergencies:

Are you okay?: ste v redu?  Audio
I need a doctor: potrebujem zdravnika  Audio
Help: na pomoč!  Audio
Call the ambulance: pokličite rešilca!  Audio
Call the police: pokličite policijo!  Audio
I am sick: bolan sem  Audio

These Slovene phrases can be used in a variety of conversations. If you have already visited our Slovene Vocabulary and Slovene Grammar, you might want to visit our Slovene Flashcards to practice what you learned.

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Did you know? Phrases are the combination of the use of vocabulary and grammar. Mastering the vocabulary and grammar can result in the ability to make useful Slovene phrases.

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