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The Zulu vocabulary is the backbone for learning. Below we picked 70% of the most commonly used words. Therefore memorizing them will give you a 70% boost in the language. This is the smarter way of online learning. Learn only what you need. We start with commonly used numbers.
One: kunye | Two: kubili | Three: kuthathu |
Four: kune | Five: kuhlanu | Six: isithupha |
Seven: isikhombisa | Eight: isishiyagalombili | Nine: isishiyagalolunye |
Ten: ishumi | First: okokuqala | Second: okwesibili |
Days of the week and time expressions:
Most popular fruits and vegetables:
Fruits: izithelo | Apples: amahhabhula |
Bananas: obhanana | Tomatoes: utamatisi |
Potatoes: amazambane | Onions: uhhanyanisi |
Red: okubovu | Green: okuluhlaza satshani | Blue: okuluhlaza sasibhakabhaka |
White: okumnhlophe | Black: okumnyama | Grey: okungwevu |
Some words related to food:
Breakfast: isidlo sasekuseni | Lunch: isidlo sasemini |
Dinner: isidlo sasebusuku | Milk: ubisi |
Coffee: ikhofi | Bread: isinkwa |
Weather terms and sensations:
Sunny: kubalele | Windy: kunomoya | Rainy: liyana |
Snowy: likhithikile | Cold: kuyabanda | Hot: kuyashisa |
Words related to family and relatives:
Boy: umfana | Girl: intombazane |
Son: indodana | Daughter: indodakazi |
Brother: umfowethu | Sister: udadewethu |
Man: indoda | Woman: umfazi |
Father: ubaba | Mother: umama |
Grandfather: umkhulu | Grandmother: ugogo |
Locations in the house which are talked about more during the day:
House: indlu yangasese | Toilet: indlu yangasese | Room: igumbi |
Bedroom: ikamelo | Kitchen: ikhishi | Table: itafula |
Animals and pets popular to everyone:
Cat: ikati | Dog: inja | Mouse: igundane |
Bird: inyoni | Cow: inkomo | Horse: ihhashi |
The clothes most worn by most people:
Socks: amasokisi | Shoes: izicathulo | Trousers: ibhulukwe |
Shirt: ihembe | Sweater: ijezi | Coat: ijazi |
Most popular languages in the world:
Most popular terms when traveling:
Taxi: itekisi | Bus: ibhasi |
Hotel: ihhotela | Reservation: okugciniwe |
Airport: esikhumulweni sezindiza | Passport: i-passport |
Words you can use in class or talking about school:
Student: umfundi | Teacher: uthisha | Pen: ipeni |
Books: izincwadi | Page: ikhasi | Dictionary: isichazamazwi |
Body parts which are talked about more often:
Hand: isandla | Feet: izinyawo | Hair: izinwele |
Eye: iso | Mouth: umlomo | Nose: ikhala |
Emergency vocabulary to ask for help or offer help when needed:
Ambulance: i-ambulensi | Doctor: udokotela |
Hospital: isibhedlela | Pharmacy: ikhemesi |
Police: amaphoyisa | Stomach Ache: ukuphathwa isisu |
As you can see, this Zulu vocabulary is something you will need every day. You can use our Vocabulary Trainer to help you memorize these words.
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Did you know? People use only a small amount of their vocabulary on a daily basis. The rest of the words are either unused or not used often. |