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The Assamese vocabulary is the backbone for learning. Below we picked 70% of the most commonly used words. Therefore memorizing them will give you a 70% boost in the language. This is the smarter way of online learning. Learn only what you need. We start with commonly used numbers.
One: এক [Ēka] | Two: দুই [Du'i] |
Three: তিনি [Tini] | Four: চাৰি [Cārai] |
Five: পাঁচ [Pām̐ca] | Six: ছয় [Chaẏa] |
Seven: সাত [Sāta] | Eight: আঠ [Āṭha] |
Nine: ন [Na] | Ten: দহ [Daha] |
First: প্রথম [Prathama] | Second: দ্বিতীয় [Dbitīẏa] |
Days of the week and time expressions:
Monday: সোমবাৰ [Sōmabāra] | Tuesday: মঙলবাৰ [Maṅalabāra] |
Wednesday: বুধবাৰ [Budhabāra] | Thursday: বৃহস্পতিবাৰ [Br̥haspatibāra] |
Friday: শুক্ৰবাৰ [Śukrabāra] | Saturday: শনিবাৰ [Śanibāra] |
Sunday: ৰবিবাৰ [Rabibāra] | Now: এতিয়া [Ētiẏā] |
Yesterday: কালি [Kāli] | Today: আজি [Āji] |
Tonight: আজিৰাতি [Ājiraāti] | Tomorrow: কালিলৈ [Kālilai] |
Most popular fruits and vegetables:
Fruits: ফলমূল [Phalamūla] | Apples: আপেলবোৰ [Āpēlabōra] |
Bananas: কলবোৰ [Kalabōra] | Tomatoes: বিলাহীবোৰ [Bilāhībōra] |
Potatoes: আলুবোৰ [Ālubōra] | Onions: পিয়াঁজবোৰ [Piẏām̐jabōra] |
Red: ৰঙা [Raṅā] | Green: সেউজীয়া [Sē'ujīẏā] |
Blue: নীলা [Nīlā] | White: ব'গা [Ba'gā] |
Black: ক'লা [Ka'lā] | Grey: ধোৱাঁবৰণীয়া [Dhoraambaraniya] |
Some words related to food:
Breakfast: ব্রেকফাষ্ট্ [Brēkaphāṣṭ] | Lunch: লান্স [Lānsa] |
Dinner: দিনাৰ [Dināra] | Milk: গাখীৰ [Gākhīra] |
Coffee: কফি [Kaphi] | Bread: ৰুটি [Rauṭi] |
Weather terms and sensations:
Sunny: ৰ'দাল [Ra'dāla] | Windy: বতাহী [Batāhī] |
Rainy: বৰষুনীয়া [Baraṣunīẏā] | Snowy: তুষাৰাবৃত [Tuṣāraābr̥ta] |
Cold: ঠাণ্ডা [Ṭhāṇḍā] | Hot: গৰম [Garama] |
Words related to family and relatives:
Boy: ল'ৰা [La'raā] | Girl: ছোৱালী [Chōraālī] |
Son: পুত্ৰ [Putra] | Daughter: কন্যা [Kan'yā] |
Brother: ভাতৃ [Bhātr̥] | Sister: ভগ্নী [Bhagnī] |
Man: পুৰুষ [Purauṣa] | Woman: মহিলা [Mahilā] |
Father: দেউতা [Dē'utā] | Mother: মা [Mā] |
Grandfather: ককাদেউতা [Kakādē'utā] | Grandmother: আইতা [Ā'itā] |
Locations in the house which are talked about more during the day:
House: ঘৰ [Ghara] | Toilet: শৌচালয় [Śaucālaẏa] |
Room: কোঠা [Kōṭhā] | Bedroom: শোৱনিকোঠা [Śōranikōṭhā] |
Kitchen: পাগঘৰ [Pāgaghara] | Table: মেজ [Mēja] |
Animals and pets popular to everyone:
Cat: মেকুৰী [Mēkuraī] | Dog: কুকুৰ [Kukura] |
Mouse: নিগনি [Nigani] | Bird: চৰাই [Caraā'i] |
Cow: গৰু [Garau] | Horse: ঘোঁৰা [Ghōm̐raā] |
The clothes most worn by most people:
Socks: মোজাবোৰ [Mōjābōra] | Shoes: জোতাবোৰ [Jōtābōra] |
Trousers: পেন্টবোৰ [Pēnṭabōra] | Shirt: চোলা [Cōlā] |
Sweater: চুৱেটাৰ [Curaēṭāra] | Coat: কোট [Kōṭa] |
Most popular languages in the world:
English: ইংৰাজী [Iṁraājī] | French: ফৰাচী [Pharaācī] |
German: জাৰ্মান [Jārmāna] | Spanish: স্পেনীয় [Spēnīẏa] |
Italian: ইটালীয় [Iṭālīẏa] | Portuguese: পৰ্টুগীজ [Parṭugīja] |
Greek: গ্রীক [Grīka] | Russian: ৰুচিয়ান [Rauciẏāna] |
Arabic: আৰবীয় [Ārabīẏa] | Hindi: হিন্দী [Hindī] |
Chinese: চীনদেশীয় [Cīnadēśīẏa] | Japanese: জাপানীয় [Jāpānīẏa] |
Most popular terms when traveling:
Taxi: টেক্সী [Ṭēksī] | Bus: বাছ [Bācha] |
Hotel: হোটেল [Hōṭēla] | Reservation: আৰক্ষণ [Ārakṣaṇa] |
Airport: বিমানবন্দৰ [Bimānabandara] | Passport: পাৰপত্র [Pārapatra] |
Words you can use in class or talking about school:
Student: ছাত্ৰ [Chātra] | Teacher: শিক্ষক [Śikṣaka] |
Pen: কলম [Kalama] | Books: কিতাপবোৰ [Kitāpabōra] |
Page: পৃষ্ঠা [Pr̥ṣṭhā] | Dictionary: অভিধান [Abhidhāna] |
Body parts which are talked about more often:
Hand: হাত [Hāta] | Feet: ভৰি [Bharai] |
Hair: চুলি [Culi] | Eye: চকু [Caku] |
Mouth: মুখ [Mukha] | Nose: নাক [Nāka] |
Emergency vocabulary to ask for help or offer help when needed:
Ambulance: এম্বুলেন্স [Ēmbulēnsa] | Doctor: ডাক্তৰ [Ḍāktara] |
Hospital: হস্পিতাল [Haspitāla] | Pharmacy: ফাৰ্মাছী [Phārmāchī] |
Police: পুলিচ [Pulica] | Stomach Ache: পেটৰ বিষ [Pēṭara biṣa] |
As you can see, this Assamese vocabulary is something you will need every day. You can use our Vocabulary Trainer to help you memorize these words.
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Did you know? People use only a small amount of their vocabulary on a daily basis. The rest of the words are either unused or not used often. |