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The Tajik grammar allows you to manipulate the vocabulary to obtain multiple forms of a word. The grammatical rules below are the most important in Tajik and help connect words or shape the structure. We start with the prepositions:
And: ва [va] | Under: дар зери [dar zieri] |
Before: пеш аз [pieš az] | After: пасфардо [pasfardo] |
Inside: дар дарун [dar darun] | Outside: дар берун [dar bierun] |
With: бо [bo] | But: аммо [ammo] |
For: барои [Baro] | From: аз [az] |
To: ба сӯи [ba sūi] | In: дар [dar] |
To ask questions, use the following:
What?: Чӣ? [Čī?] | Who?: Кӣ? [Kī?] |
How?: чӣ хел? [čī chiel?] | Why?: Барои чӣ? [Baro čī?] |
Where?: Кучо? [Kučo?] |
Some of the most important time adverbs:
Never: ҳеҷгоҳ [ҳjeҷhoҳ] | Rarely: гоҳ-гоҳ [hoҳ-hoҳ] |
Sometimes: баъзан [baʺzan] | Usually: умуман [umuman] |
Always: доимо [doimo] | Very: хеле [chielie] |
Most commonly used pronouns in Tajik:
I: ман [man] | You: ту, шумо [tuju, šumo] |
He: ӯ [ū] | She: ӯ [ū] |
We: мо [mo] | They: онҳо [onҳo] |
To express the possession of something [possessive form]:
My: ман [man] | Your: ту [tuju] |
His: ӯ [ū] | Her: ӯ [ū] |
Our: мо [mo] | Their: онҳо [onҳo] |
Some random verbs to show how it's being used:
I speak English: ман англисиро медонам [man anhlisiro miedonam] |
You speak French: ту фаронсавиро медони [tuju faronsaviro miedoni] |
He speaks German: ӯ олмониро медонад [ū olmoniro miedonad] |
She speaks Italian: ӯ итолиёвиро медонад [ū itolijeviro miedonad] |
I visited France: ман дар Фаронса зиндагонӣ мекунам [man dar Faronsa zindahonī miekunam] |
I will drink milk: ман шир менӯшам [man šyr mienūšam] |
Some extra grammatical structures:
I understand you: ман шуморо мефаҳмам [man šumoro miefaҳmam] |
I don't understand you: ман шуморо намефаҳмам [man šumoro namiefaҳmam] |
I don't speak French: ман забони фаронсавиро намедонам [man zaboni faronsaviro namiedonam] |
This is my house: ин хонаи ман аст [in chonai man astra] |
That restaurant is far: он ошхона дур аст [jon ošchona Dur astra] |
No problem: хуб шудааст [Chub šudaast] |
The above Tajik grammar can provide tools to use in coordination with the Tajik vocabulary to obtain some popular Tajik phrases.
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Did you know? Grammar can help you increase your vocabulary dramatically. Grammar is like a tool which helps you manipulate words in a sentence by changing the shape and location of a word to create something new out of the old one. |