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Tajik Vocabulary

The Tajik vocabulary is the backbone for learning. Below we picked 70% of the most commonly used words. Therefore memorizing them will give you a 70% boost in the language. This is the smarter way of online learning. Learn only what you need. We start with commonly used numbers.

One: як  [jak] Two: ду  [du]
Three: се  [voś] Four: чор  [čor]
Five: панҷ  [panҷ] Six: шаш  [šaš]
Seven: ҳафт  [ҳaft] Eight: ҳашт  [ҳašt]
Nine: нўҳ  [nŭҳ] Ten: даҳ  [daҳ]
First: якум  [jakum] Second: дуюм  [dujum]

Time Expressions

Days of the week and time expressions:

Monday: Душанбе  [Dušanbie] Tuesday: Сешанбе  [Siešanbie]
Wednesday: Чоршанбе  [Čoršanbie] Thursday: Панҷшанбе  [Panҷšanbie]
Friday: Ҷумъа  [Ҷumʺa] Saturday: Шанбе  [Šanbie]
Sunday: Якшанбе  [Jakšanbie] Now: ҳозир  [ҳozir]
Yesterday: дирўз  [dirŭz] Today: имрўз  [imrŭz]
Tonight: имшаб  [imšab] Tomorrow: пагоҳ  [pahoҳ]

Most popular fruits and vegetables:

Fruits: меваҳо  [mievaҳo] Apples: себҳо  [siebҳo]
Bananas: бананҳо  [bananҳo] Tomatoes: помидорҳо  [pomidorҳo]
Potatoes: картошкаҳо  [kartoškaҳo] Onions: пиёзҳо  [pijezҳo]
Colors that we think are imprtant to remember


Red: сурх   [surch] Green: сабз  [sabz]
Blue: кабуд   [kabud] White: сафед   [safied]
Black: сиёҳ  [sijeҳ] Grey: хокистарранг   [chokistarranh]

Some words related to food:

Breakfast: ноништа  [noništa] Lunch: хӯроки пешин  [chūroki piešin]
Dinner: хўроки шом  [chŭroki šom] Milk: шир  [šyr]
Coffee: қаҳва  [k'aҳva] Bread: нон  [non]

Weather terms and sensations:

Sunny: гармӣ  [harmī] Windy: шамол  [šamol]
Rainy: борон меборад  [baron mieborad] Snowy: барф меборад  [barf mieborad]
Cold: хунук  [chunuk] Hot: гарм  [Harmi]

Words related to family and relatives:

Boy: писар  [pisar] Girl: духтар  [duchtar]
Son: писар  [pisar] Daughter: духтар  [duchtar]
Brother: бародар  [barodar] Sister: хоҳар  [choҳar]
Man: мард   [Mardzi] Woman: зан  [zan]
Father: падар  [padar] Mother: модар  [modar]
Grandfather: бобо  [bobo] Grandmother: бибӣ  [bibī]

Locations in the house which are talked about more during the day:

House: хона  [chona] Toilet: ҳоҷатхона  [ҳoҷatchona]
Room: ҳуҷра   [ҳuҷra] Bedroom: хобгоҳ  [chobhoҳ]
Kitchen: ошхона  [ošchona] Table: миз  [miz]

Animals and pets popular to everyone:

Cat: гурба  [hurba] Dog: саг  [sah]
Mouse: муш  [muš] Bird: парранда  [parranda]
Cow: гов  [hov] Horse: асп  [ASD]

The clothes most worn by most people:

Socks: ҷўроб  [ҷŭrob] Shoes: пойафзол  [pojafzol]
Trousers: шим  [šim] Shirt: курта  [kurta]
Sweater: ҷемпер  [ҷjempier] Coat: плаш  [plaš]

Most popular languages in the world:

English: англисӣ  [anhlisī] French: фаронсавӣ  [faronsavī]
German: олмонӣ  [olmonī] Spanish: испанӣ  [ispanī]
Italian: италиявӣ  [italijavī] Portuguese: португалӣ  [portuhalī]
Greek: юнонӣ  [junonī] Russian: забони русӣ   [zaboni rusī]
Arabic: арабӣ  [arabī] Hindi: ҳинбӣ  [ҳinbī]
Chinese: чинӣ  [činī] Japanese: ҷопонӣ  [ҷoponī]

Travel Vocabulary

Most popular terms when traveling:

Taxi: такси  [taksi] Bus: автобус  [aŭtobus]
Hotel: меҳмонхона  [mieҳmonchona] Reservation: захира  [Zachir]
Airport: фурудгоҳ  [furudhoҳ] Passport: шиноснома  [šinosnoma]

Words you can use in class or talking about school:

Student: донишҷӯ  [donišҷū] Teacher: омўзгор, муаллим  [omŭzhor, Mualiem]
Pen: ручка  [ručka] Books: китобхона  [kitobchona]
Page: саҳифа  [saҳifa] Dictionary: луғат  [luġat]

Body parts which are talked about more often:

Hand: бозу  [bozu] Feet: кафи пой  [kafi spiavaj]
Hair: мўй  [mŭj] Eye: чашм  [čašm]
Mouth: даҳон  [daҳon] Nose: бинӣ  [binī]

Emergency vocabulary to ask for help or offer help when needed:

Ambulance: мошини ёрии таъҷилӣ  [mošini jerii taʺҷilī] Doctor: духтур  [duchtur]
Hospital: беморхона  [biemorchona] Pharmacy: дорухона  [doruchona]
Police: милитсия  [militsija] Stomach Ache: шикамдард  [šikamdard]

As you can see, this Tajik vocabulary is something you will need every day. You can use our Vocabulary Trainer to help you memorize these words.

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Did you know? People use only a small amount of their vocabulary on a daily basis. The rest of the words are either unused or not used often.

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